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Small Groups
Ann's Book CLub
If you love reading, you will want to join Ann's Book Club. To honor former Christ Our King member Ann Dotson's love of reading, the church started a community book club, which began over twenty years ago. Ann's Book Club meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month, September through May, at 1:30 pm in the Genesis Room. Members are so fortunate to have Colleen Webster, an English professor at Harford Community College, facilitate these discussions. A fee of $35.00 is collected in the Fall. The September book is "Horse" by Geraldine Brooks. Books can be ordered through Amazon. We hope you will join us for this enriching and engaging discussion.
Movin' On Group
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Men's Breakfast Group
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Women's Prayer Group
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A christmas Message
Alternative Christmas
Alternative Christmas is a way to give a gift that supports the work of the church in our community or in the world.
Choose from meals for the elderly, a bed for the homeless, shelter for the abused, and much more…even chickens for families in developing nations! Pick a gift and print your insert to send your gift to a friend.
Click here to start shopping
Giving Boxes
Packing Day November 18, 2023
Since 2010, Christ Our King Presbyterian Church in Bel Air, and Knox Presbyterian Church in Baltimore City, have joined efforts to provide Thanksgiving Boxes of food to families in need, living in Harford County, Baltimore City, and surrounding areas. We will distribute Giving Boxes (a frozen turkey and a box of food) to 800 families this Thanksgiving.
Each Giving Box contains a frozen turkey and non-perishable food for several meals, including Thanksgiving dinner. These boxes are made possible by the generosity of members of our congregation, their friends, and many local businesses and organizations. For more information on the Giving Boxes Click here
We invite people of all ages to participate in Packing Day. We are registering volunteers to fill the boxes through Sign Up Genius (You do not need to create an account). If you or your group are interested in volunteering, click below.
2022 - 2023 Book Studies
Beginning Wednesday, September 14 at 7 pm, Pastor Jeff will lead us in a total of five book studies through Spring 2023.
Please sign-up for these book studies to allow us to get an idea of the number of attendees. You don’t need to sign up to attend. It just makes it easier to prepare materials.
Books may be purchased from your favorite bookstore; we always recommend that you check Hearts and Minds Books online at: Hearts and Minds Books
Galatians – A look at Paul’s words to the Church Then and Now
by Pastor Jeff
April 12 - May 17
Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
Genesis Room and on Zoom
A Scripture Study
Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia has long been one of my favorite books of the Bible. My centering scripture comes from chapter 3 and is the basis of my call to serve Christ. In the course of 6 weeks we will explore each of the 6 chapters of this book/letter. Paul covers many issues including what is the true Gospel, conflicts between himself and other Apostles, the difficulty of understanding that both Jews and Gentiles are saved by faith, the nature of Christian freedom, works of the flesh versus fruits of the Spirit, and the work of serving and loving one another.
Unbinding the Gospel
by Martha Grace Reese
January 18 - February 15
Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
Genesis Room and on Zoom
An Evangelism Study
Unbinding the Gospel is a book for church groups to study. Its a book for pastors who want the truth about the state of our churches. Reese presents a clear-spoken, hopeful vision for a future and gives us a way to get there without gimmicky formulas, but hand in hand with God.
Readers describe Unbinding the Gospel as "a powerpack," "witty," "realistic and hopeful," "humble and genuinely spiritual," "It's so fun and easy to read, but I've been thinking about these ideas all week!"
Unbinding the Gospel is based on a four-year research project on superb evangelism. Martha Grace Reese, author, pastor, and lawyer, interviewed more than 1,000 people in some of the most successful evangelistic congregations in the country.
Over 5 weeks we will discuss the 10 chapters of this book and allow the Spirit to move us. Filled with the Spirit we will brainstorm what we can do and how we can do it as the authentic witnesses for Christ.
Advent Devotional on Love
Advent Devotion on Peace
Advent Devotion on hope
Making Room
by Ed Robb
November 30 - December 21
Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
Genesis Room and on Zoom
An Advent Study
Learn how to make room in your heart for God and neighbor this Christmas. Often our Advent preparations have an inward focus as we prepare for the significance of God breaking into our world through the birth of the Christ child. But in a closer examination of the Advent story, we quickly learn that the focus of the coming of the newborn king is outward.
In this book and Advent study, Dr. Ed Robb explores the warmth of welcome at Christmas following interactions with Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, and the magi. Just as Jesus made room in God’s kingdom for a host of people that society wanted to leave on the margins, beginning with the appearance of the shepherds, we too should be asking ourselves who we can make room for this Christmas.
Kneeling With Giants
by Gary Neal Hansen
September 14 - November 16
Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
Genesis Room and on Zoom
A Spiritual Discipline Study
This book covers 10 practices of prayers from the history of Christianity. The study will be 10 weeks to give us an opportunity to practice each discipline for a week and then have a discussion about how we engaged with it. This is a book study that requires a lot of work outside of the classes. You will be asked to try ways of praying that you are not familiar with and that will challenge you to be disciplined in daily prayer. Gary was one of my professors at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary.
2021 -2022 Confirmation Class Schedule
The youth from First Presbyterian of Bel Air and Christ Our King Presbyterian Churches will join together to explore the depths of the Christian faith and its impact in the world today.
- We will meet in-person at Christ Our King in the Genesis Room for those who are comfortable.
- A Zoom link will be provided for those who are not ready to meet in person.
- Masks will be required while in the building.
- We will meet at 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm on the Sunday evenings listed below.
9/26 Session 1. What Is Confirmation?
10/10 Session 2. How Do We Know and Trust God?
10/24 Session 3. What is Sin and How Do We Turn From It?
11/7 Session 4. Who Is Your Lord?
11/21 Session 5. Who Is Your Savior?
1/9 Session 6. What Does It Mean to Be a Disciple of Jesus?
1/23 Session 7. What Does It Mean to Show Christ’s Love?
2/6 Session 8. Will You Devote Yourself to the Church’s Teachings?
2/20 Session 9. Will You Devote Yourself to the Church’s Fellowship?
2/27– Session 10. Will You Devote Yourself to the Breaking of Bread?
TBD – Session 11. Will You Devote Yourself to the Prayers?
TBD – Session 12. Are You Ready to Cross Over?
Ann's Book and Film Club
If you love reading, join Ann's Book and Film Club. To honor former Christ Our King member Ann Dotson's love of reading, a community book club began over twenty years ago. Ann's Book and Film Club meets the third Wednesday of each month, September through May, at 9:30 in the Genesis Room. We are fortunate to have Colleen Webster, an English professor at Harford Community College, facilitate these discussions. A fee of $35.00 is collected in the Fall.
We're hiring
After many years of dedicated service, the Office Administrator of Christ Our King Presbyterian Church is retiring. We are seeking a part-time office administrator to provide administrative support to the Pastor, organize and run the church office, and facilitate church communications. The preferred schedule is 20 hours, Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Email your resume to adminperson@christourking.net
Part-Time Office Administrator Job Description
Our Youth Group (Grades 6-12) meets most Sundays 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm in the Youth Room.
We examine the relevance of scripture as it relates to today’s challenging life issues.
We take time to play, encourage each other, eat together, and pray for each other.
Most of all we get to know Jesus and his love for us.
2021-2022 Youth Ministry Registration and Photo Release. Please Print and Return to Church
Christ Our King presbyterian Church
Christ Our King Presbyterian Church
10 Lexington Rd, Bel Air, md 21014
Courageously Striving to Connect the World to Christ
Dear Volunteers and friends,
We want to assure you that we take the health and well-being of our community, friends, and family very seriously. Like you, we are closely monitoring the quickly developing effects of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, we have decided to revise our original plan of packing boxes using volunteers from the community. This year The Giving Boxes committee will be filling the boxes over several days, so that this important ministry will remain uninterrupted.
We are all in this together. We will follow guidance from public health officials and government agencies, so we can continue to support the families and communities in need that are served by the 1100 boxes of food that so many of you have donated to.
We will miss seeing you at Christ Our King Presbyterian Church this year. We pray that you and your family remain healthy and hope to see you next year.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Giving Boxes Committee
Welcome Back to In-person worship
This Sunday, October 11th, 2020 we will have in-person worship along with live-streaming support.
This video explains the procedures and cautions that we will be following to do our best to create a safe worship environment. Remember that if you cannot, or are uncomfortable, worshiping in person, we will be live-streaming on Zoom and Facebook.